


As a nation we require a robust healthcare system; doctors, nurses, medical facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals that are truly affordable to individuals and small business.  Small businesses have struggled due to the cost of insurance and individuals have suffered financially due to exorbitant premiums and deductibles. We need insurance companies to provide effective coverage and competitive pricing. Government bureaucracy cannot control healthcare, medical decisions must be made by medical professionals. Individuals and their doctors should be in control of their own care.  Individuals should be able to select the coverage they need and know what they are paying for with itemized bills.

Jobs and the Economy

Jobs and economic growth will be vital to Delaware especially in the aftermath the COVID-19 crisis.  I will work to create an environment that promotes free enterprise and not hinder growth with excessive and stifling regulations that add to the cost of doing business. Regulations must be streamlined so business can run their business and not continually file government licenses, documents and reports.  I will continually discuss with the Governor and State Legislators their needs to promote business growth and expansion within Delaware from technology and infrastructure to development of Port Wilmington as a vibrant and safe port facility.  I will ensure farmers are provided the latest and greatest agriculture enhancements to maximize their output and returns.


We are a nation of immigrants. As Americans we all benefit from each other’s skills and culture resulting in today’s America, the greatest country in the world. That is why our borders are flooded with foreign nationals. However, to protect our culture, our citizens and our way of life, we have immigration laws. These laws are designed to protect our country and our citizen’s health, welfare and businesses. The law must be enforced! Controlling our borders, supporting the Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency is imperative. The United States is a sovereign country and must not allow open borders.

Environment and Natural Resources

We must protect our environment and wisely utilize our natural resources. God has provided us beauty and abundance throughout our vast land, and we must be responsible stewards of this bounty. Whether its minerals and timber in western states or watersheds and wetlands of the east coast, we must be cognizant of their vitality and importance to the ecosystem. I will strive to maintain the balance between the protection of resources and economic development, both are required for human survivability.



The nation’s infrastructure must be rebuilt, repaired and properly maintained to provide safe use for business, personal travel and national security. Roads, bridges and power lines are the visual reminders of our country’s aging infrastructure. I will be a stalwart for cost effective modernization of existing systems and a proponent of new technologies to improve the performance and safety of our power grid and especially the expansion of broadband to all areas of Delaware. I will be an adamant supporter of Delaware programs to enhance air transportation and shipping facilities, both land and maritime.

A Constitutional Government

The two original documents, Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution both based upon God given certain inalienable rights to every and all individuals, establish the American system of government. Our government exists to protect our God given rights. I am a firm believer and supporter in our Constitution’s fundamental principles of limited government, separation of powers, individual liberty and the rule of law. Our rights: freedom of speech, religion, the right to bear arms and the right of the people to be secure are not subject to interpretation by public opinion but rather by the Supreme Court. I will support the nomination of judges that interpret the constitution as written and intended by our founding fathers.

Family and Education

The foundation of a strong civilized society is the family. A strong family unit will reduce the ever-growing request for government services. I will propose and support appropriate legislation that will strengthen families financially and incentivize multi-generational households. We must respect, protect and care for our seniors, our youth and the unborn.  Our children require care, guidance and direction from parents not from government agencies. I am a proponent of home schooling, private and charter schools. Education, whether private or public must prepare our children for a rewarding and prosperous independent future. The best education is determined and implemented at the local level. We must reduce bureaucracy, improve educational requirements and support of our teachers.

Federal Government

The federal government exists to protect our rights as American citizens. This begins with the Constitutional obligation of the federal government to provide for the “common defense” of the United States. We must continually maintain the strongest, best equipped and trained military in the world.  We must care for veterans who provided us the strongest military, sacrificed the most for national security and protected our way of life. The federal government must continue to reduce the influx of illegal narcotics, opioid usage and be prepared to protect us from new and challenging threats of chemical, biological and cyber-attacks. As a country we must provide world leadership to protect human rights world-wide and reduce the horrific occurrence of human trafficking. We must support our allies around the world and continue to strengthen our bonds of freedom, democracy and humanity with Israel. It is time the federal government returns to a limited government relinquishing control of everyday life back to “We the People.”

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